Repost of something I wrote way back in 2011. I still find this trick quite useful, but since I’ve switched to zsh in the meantime, I’m grepping through ~/.zsh_history instead now.

Here is a very simple helper script I came up with today:

grep $1 ~/.bash_history | uniq

I’m currently using Maven on a client project and I keep forgetting the various invocations of mvn. So this helps remind me.


[ ~/wb/foo ] $ remind mvn
which mvn
mvn -v
mvn -cpu hpi:create
mvn package
mvn --help
mvn -o package
mvn install
mvn -DdownloadSources=true -DdownloadJavadocs=true -DoutputDirectory=target/eclipse-classes eclipse:eclipse
mvn hpi:run

This is handy for those cases where I want an overview of all ways in which I’ve recently used a command.

If I just want to recall a specific command, I use bash’s Ctrl-R and whichever few letters of the command I remember:

ctrl-R ec This will recall the long second-to-last command in the example above.