Exporting journal entries from 750words to org-journal
Disabling Firefox updates on Ubuntu
Book review: A world without email
Emacs: Show path to point in a big YAML file
Boganmeldelse: Skyldig i drab
Boganmeldelse: Amerika. Hvor er du?
Book review: The room where it happened
Danish characters in the US keymap
Emacs keybindings in i3wm
Emacs + Dunst shortcut issue
Taking a walk around the code
Book review: Into the wild
Book review: Fear - Trump in the white house
Book review: Janesville
Book review: Bad Blood
Book review: Functional Programming, a PragProg Anthology
Book review: Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now
Book review: Astrophysics for people in a hurry
Book review: The Information: A History, a Theory, a Flood
Book review: Living Clojure
Book review: Spelunky
Book review: Programming Beyond Practices
Fixing the PATH for Emacs on MacOS
Controlling monitor brightness from OSX
Book review: Pragmatic thinking and learning
Why do they DDoS?
Why all the book reviews?
Book review: A Guide to the Good Life
Moin wiki dump
Book review: I Heart Logs
A basic tmux setup
Emacs - highlighting the current word
Building A Rocket
Asset pipeline craziness
Book review: Ready Player One
Non-tech posts
Using Vim for SQL
Blocking traffic from a single IP with AWS
A more useful dig
Throttling verbose output
git wip
Enjoy your tapas
Fixing iTerm2 in Mavericks
Dead Man's Snitch
Monitoring the absence of failure
A question about Backbone.js
IE testing the easy way
Disabling spelling suggestions in OSX
Parameter objects
5 useful rdebug tweaks
DB Juggling
Snapshots for easier migration development
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